Sunday, February 17, 2013

I Found Love In A Hopeless Place

It has been a while since I have actually posted anything and I believe it is time for an update! I have been busy with work and school....ahhh school. It sucks. I don't even know what I am doing anymore -_- I want to do something else now, there is no career in what I am doing. I don't know what I was thinking. I would like to be a teacher. I guess. I am almost 27 years old and I need to figure this shit out. So confusing being a fully responsible adult. Then there is work. It sucks, most of the time. I hate it. I need a better job. But I am very thankful for the one I have. I have met very cool people working at the cinemas, and well some not so cool people. I enjoy it for the most part, the customers are what sucks. But if it wasn't for my job, I would not have met "W". He is the assistant manager, and very very cute. The stupid rule is that employees are not allowed to "date" assistant managers. I find that rule very very stupid. I can understand if it was a bigger company and what not, but we are just a small town cinema in a small town, Kentucky. Not that big of a deal, but yes it could probably cause complications at work. 

The point is that I like "W". I like him a lot and he likes me. Yes, we have gone out and such and it is wonderful. I really do enjoy spending time with him. He makes me laugh and smile. He is quite a funny person and charming as well. There is a lot of things I like about him. But we have to keep it a secret that we like each other. No one can know, because if someone finds out that we are seeing each other it could be bad. He could end up getting fired, and I wouldn't want that to happen. I don't care if Steele would fire me, but not him. It just sucks keeping it a secret. I can't even talk about it on Facebook or Twitter really, because I follow/friends with most of my co-workers. He even said that if it wasn't for that damn rule that we could post whatever on Facebook. *Sigh* I am just really thankful for what we have. I am sure it could better, but right now it is perfect. I would rather have "this" than nothing at all. I just can't really believe that he likes me back. He is the first guy that I like to really like me back. There was Matt Reedy, but nothing ever came of that, because he was too busy chasing his exes. 
But with "W" things are different. Things are great!! I feel so comfortable around him, and I can be completely myself and not worry about embarrassing myself or anything. Everything just feels right with  you in the end. 