Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Hot Damn!!! Hot Men ❤

Taking the Next Step

I can't believe it's finally happening! I feel like after a year of complaining we are finally moving in together! This is a huge step for me, as I have never lived with anyone before. I can say I have mixed emotions about this. Part of me is very excited and can't wait to start moving and decorating our apartment. The other half of me is scared. I am not going to lie I am going to miss my mom and my cats. I will have to go and visit them a few times a week. 
 One concern that I want to address is how am I going to put up with Donald. He is not mean, but he is extremely lazy. I will not be able to tolerate that. He will have to contribute to the cleaning and housework as well. I have told him that; I just hope he complies. That's one thing I will not put up with is his laziness. I also am going to start cooking healthier recipes. I love Don and I care a lot about his health, but he really does need to lose some weight. I want to discuss that with him, but it is a sensitive subject and I don't want to hurt him or make him feel bad. I know he already feels bad. The last thing I want to do is make him feel worse about himself. 
   I am going to start making him work out with me as well. It's great that our apartment has a 24hr free access gym. That will help out a lot, not with just him but with me as well. I can stand to get into shape a bit. I just want us to start eating healthier and being more fit. 
    Moving into our own apartment is making me excited. I have a lot of decoration ideas to make it pretty. Don already gave me the green light in that department. This is going to be the fun part. The not-so-fun part is the finances. I already handed all that responsibility over to Don. HA! I know my own bills to pay, but he can manage the rest. 
  All this change in my life is going to be drastic and it's going to take me a while to adjust, but I am definitely looking forward to what the rest of this year holds for us. 
Here's to happiness & love. 

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Looking Ahead...

Lately, I have been thinking; mainly about the future. My future. I am stuck at AT&T as a tech rep, but I don't want to be here for the rest of my life. I really need to figure out what I would like to do with my life. I want to figure out something fun that I would enjoy doing. I just don't feel Kentucky has that kind of opportunity. Maybe in the bigger cities. I wish I had the money to buy a house out in Lexington or Louisville. I would love to get a job and live out there especially with Donald. I think we would be a lot more successful and happier away from Ashland. The city does not have much to offer. I just feel like I am stuck herre with no where to go and no way to progress. I think Don and I need to move away; however, there are other cities that are pretty much the same as here. The grass is not always greener on the other side. To make a long story short: I am pretty much sick of my job. 
Right now, I would rather be working at Cinemark with the old crew. I loved that job; it was mostly fun. The people there made it fun. I was not always stuck at a desk. I was behind a counter, but I was on my feet most of the day. I really enjoyed that job. That's where I met, Donald, or as I used to call him: Mr. W. 
Little did I know that he would forever change my life. I wished I had been smarter about a few things that didn't cause Don to lose his job. I will say some of the chaos was caused by me, but then other people didn't need to stick their nose in our business. I know a lot of co-workers at Cinemark had a crush on Don, but I am so thankful that I am the one he chose. Perhaps, if he still worked for Cinemark things would not be as good as they are no. No need to dwell on the "what-if's". 
Right now at this point in my  life, I thought I would have more accomplished, maybe even have a kid...or two. I must say that despite the lack of those thing I am quite happy. The only thing that would make me happier is when Don and I finally get our own place. That is the one thing I really want. I am going to start pushing him towards it more, because we are both procrastinators and we always wait until the last moment. This cannot wait until the fall. I would like to see us moved into our own house by July 2015. I am not looking for something elegant or expensive...just a small apartment that we can call ours. Then maybe in like 5 years we can move away to a bigger city such as: Columbus, Cincinnati, Lexington, Louisville. 
These are things I would like to see happen, and for now I am just looking ahead to all the possibilities.
Monica Nicole

Friday, January 23, 2015

2015- A start to a New Me.

Every year I see multiple posts relating the new year, new me type of situation. I always try to commit to at least two new activities that would improve my life, but this year that has changed. Yes, I want to get in shape and lose weight, but let's be honest, I don't have enough motivation and determination to get there. Maybe, before summer hits I will get my abs back, but that's not the concern for this post. This year is about me and finding myself. 
This year I don't want to improve my physical appearance, I want to improve on the inside. I want to learn more and work harder to perform my job better, and hopefully get a better schedule. I want to work on my intellect and research subjects that I am not familiar with. There is so much to know, and I want to become smarter. Part of this reason, is because I think Don thinks I'm just another "pretty face". I want him to know that I am smart. I may not know a lot about history and politics, and I want to make myself smarter in those areas. I do need to be aware of what is taking place in the political world around me and aware of the news. 
The other aspect I want to work on is my maturity. Soon, I will be almost 30 years old, and for some reason, that makes me nervous. I no longer want to act like a "teenager or young adult." It is time I take my life seriously and start planning ahead. Looking into the future. I really don't see myself working at AT&T for the rest of my life. I wish I could find a career. I would have liked to be a teacher, but that didn't work out for me. I hope I can find something I am good at and that allows me to live comfortably. 
This year Don and I are committed to getting our own apartment. Well, let me rephrase that, I am. he seems a bit lazy about the whole thing. I keep pushing him and I still don't get a response. Sometimes with him, it's like trying to move a brick wall; it don't budge at all. On a side note: I really wish Don would work out more!! I am not trying to be shallow, but he is a little 'heavy'. I don't want him to get any bigger. Hopefully, I can talk to him about that, but that's always a difficult subject to discuss with someone. I am not sure how to bring it up! 
One thing is for sure, I really want to move in with Donald. I am positive it will change our relationship. I will become more bitchy and irritable. I will push him and try to help him become healthier. I just wish in the near future...maybe next year....maybe, that he would propose to me. Every girl dreams of a white wedding. I just want mine to be with Donald Wieteki. 
I think that is all for now. 
Peace. Love.