Wednesday, May 15, 2013

~Quotes for Thought~

1. I am young and studpid and really good at making bad decisions.

2. My heart has been beaten and bruised and I'm pretty fucking confused, and I always expect to lose. I'll explain it all to you through alcohol and bad tattoos. If I talk too loud or laugh too loud it's because I'm trying to forget that I'm sad because somethings can get pretty bad, but I'd like to believe that somewhere I'll find you going no where and we can go there together.
3. She guards the gate, but she's lost the key, so no one enters, but no one leaves.
4. I do all types of crazy shit. I can't change the way I am so if I offend you good cause I still don't give a fuck
5. We spend our whole lives telling ourselves that everything happens for a reason, when in reality, we always give reasons for everythingthat happens.
6. Damaged people are dangerous, because they know how to survive.

7. I'm damaged from the inside out. I've been broken so don't try to threaten me with what you think I feel. If you read my mind you'd be in tears
8.Living on crazy dreams, rock and roll faded blue jeans and standing on the edge of everything.
9. I believe in you so much, I could die for the words that you say.

10. So give me all your poison
And give me all your pills
And give me all your hopeless hearts
And make me illYou are running after something
That you will never killIf this is what you want
Then fire at will


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